People need to know that while fly fishing travel currently has additional requirements the process itself should in no way be a deterrent or a reason not to travel to fish with us here on Grand Bahama. It really is quite a straight forward process when you break it down. The initial step of getting your PCR test completed in the USA should be your gauge as to whether you are willing to commit to the process of traveling. This testing incidentally is getting easier and easier by the day. So, if you have considered travel, all you need to do is make that inquiry as to how you get a PCR test done and when you get the result. If that process is something that you can work with then everything else is nothing but a formality. There has been an incorrect assumption that the accumulation of requirements is what puts you over the edge. Not so. Take for example The Bahamas travel visa that is required? Sounds formal and possibly time consuming but it is nothing more than you uploading your PCR test for verification. Its that simple. Fill in a few prompts and travel info and that is all that is required. End of !!
VIDEO: Government of The Bahamas video on the process for getting a health travel visa.
What about the new requirement of a Covid test to renter the US ? Even easier !! For all our clients we have an appointment already made here on island BEFORE you even arrive. This is at our local clinic literally 5 minutes away. You pull up in the parking lot, a nurse administers the test immediately and then you return. It’s a 18 minute process from start to finish and that includes the 5 minute each way return drive that we have already arranged for you. The result takes about 45 minutes minutes to receive by email. For our groups we can even arrange a nurse to come to the clubhouse after fishing and administer the test and all that is required is you put your beer down for 10 seconds so the nurse can take the swab. Your results are back within the hour. We arrange all this for you. You are responsible for putting down your beer though !!

So if you know anyone whether individual or group considering a trip this coming prime season of March to June 2021 and have any hesitation due to the process they need to know how easy we can make it for them. Add in that we have some of the largest bonefish and permit found anywhere and a fishery that come this May that has not seen any normal fly fishing activity for 2 years then they are making a great decision. At the moment it’s just the guides out fishing who would much rather be working. Don’t let them have all the fun !!
We will also move your dates should a COVID-19 related situation arise that prevents you from travel.
Interested in our specials https://www.h2obonefishing.com/specials-1